Friday, April 2, 2010

A New Adventure

Welcome to New Adventures in Eating! If you’re like me, that means you’re one of those people who has to avoid gluten and dairy, all while trying to stay healthy and eat things that don’t taste (and look/feel/smell) like cardboard. Not an easy task and it’s a constant journey, but I’m learning it can actually be fun. What about you?

I was diagnosed as severely allergic to both gluten and dairy in November and since then the quest to find foods that work well with my body has taken up a big portion of my life. I’d never realized how central food was to our culture and my life until I couldn’t eat more than half of it! It’s not all bad though, since my diagnosis I’ve actually been able to lose 20 lbs and try new and exciting foods I never would have touched before (sushi or poached eggs a year ago? NEVER!)

Still, I can’t help drooling over the blueberry muffins and scones at Starbucks, or the fresh bagels my co-workers bring in from Brueger’s on Friday mornings. I’m definitely still finding my way, and some days it’s just not pretty. The hard part comes when I have those “I don’t know where to turn” moments, those days when everything seems off limits and impossible. Life is what you make it though, and I’d like to make mine as full and rich as it would be if I didn’t have these pesky food glitches…and who knows, maybe it can be even better! I’d love to get your comments, help, laughter and support in this new and different chapter in my life. Time to make it an adventure!


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